Revenue CRM Operations

Refine Your Revenue Operations

Refine Your Revenue Operations with Unmatched Precision and Expertise. The Symposia Rev Ops Package delivers an extensive array of revenue operation services designed to enhance your sales team's effectiveness, enabling them to focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks. Opt for our optional one-time service to have a new HubSpot CRM expertly set up for your organization, guaranteeing an optimized platform tailored for immediate success.


Optional one-time fee of $5,000 for a new Hubspot CRM Setup

Whats Included

Dedicated Rev Ops Manager: Partner with an experienced Revenue Operations Manager who will be your guide and strategist, dedicated to refining your sales processes.
Unlimited Asynchronous Communication: Stay connected with your Rev Ops Manager via email and slack, ensuring you have support whenever you need it.
CRM Build-Out + Management: Receive a tailor-made CRM system that aligns with your business goals, complete with ongoing management to ensure it grows with your company.
KPI Dashboard Build-Outs: Gain insights like never before with custom KPI dashboards, including maintenance and unlimited revisions to keep them aligned with your evolving business objectives.
Email Sequence Set-Ups: Engage your prospects and customers with highly effective email sequences, designed to nurture leads and close deals.
Data Management: Benefit from expert data uploads and clean-ups, ensuring your CRM runs smoothly and efficiently.

Key Benefits

Streamlined Operations

Simplify your revenue operations with a cohesive strategy that aligns sales, marketing, and customer success.

Enhanced Decision-Making

Utilize real-time data from your custom KPI dashboards to make informed decisions that drive growth.

Increased Efficiency

Automate and optimize your sales and marketing processes, freeing up time to focus on strategic initiatives.

Improve Customer Engagement

Deliver personalized communication at scale with automated email sequences that resonate with your audience.

Data Integrity

Maintain a clean, organized database, ensuring accuracy in your reporting and insights.

Ready to refine your revenue operations?